Sunday, February 26, 2012

Making paper pots for seed starts.

(click any picture for a larger view)

Here's an idea some of you might have heard of before...making your own seed pots out of paper.

Nick Wooten explained his method to me today so I gave it a try.

**Caution: When using glass be careful not to use too much force - you don't want to break the glass and cut yourself.**

For equipment all you need is a drinking glass or vase that is not tapered or fluted (see picture), some old newspaper or shopping bags, a pair of scissors, some kind of tray, and of course a little soil.

Cut the paper into can pick the width of the strips after a few trial runs... then you roll the paper strip around the glass. I noticed that if I didn't wrap it very tight it was easier to finish.

Next, fold the end of the rolled up paper into the mouth of the jar.

Then carefully remove the jar from the paper roll. This is where you discover that a looser wrap makes things easier.

Then you insert the bottom of the glass into the paper roll and mash the wadded paper down on a counter top or table, packing it pretty good. This is where you want to make sure you don't use too much force on the glass. The last thing you want is broken glass and possibly cut hands

So then you fill them with your soil and put them in your tray. See that tray I'm using? I recommend using something with a little taller sides because the paper pots can be a little wobbly before they are watered, especially if it's your first time making them. Mine is just some old tray out of an old microwave.

Notice the variety of sizes I made? Uh...that was on purpose...yeah. I think I will become more skilled with practice.

Oh yeah, I have also been saving my cardboard egg cartons.

I planted this first batch with seeds I had left over from last year...basil, cilantro and beets. The tray is now sitting in the kitchen window. I will update after I see for myself how the pots hold up.

The beauty of these otherwise ugly pots is, you are re-using paper and when it comes time to transplant all you do is tear off the bottom and plant the whole thing. Considerably less transplant shock.

Also, for people with kids (assuming you use sturdy glasses) it is a great teaching moment about re-using and about seeds and plants.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Freshening Up the Greenhouse!

(click on any picture for larger view)

One good winter job is cleaning and refreshing our little greenhouse to get it ready for early seed starts and also prepare the soil for planting.

Here is what it looked like earlier in the day...

I put screen doors at both ends for better ventilation. This is from the east door, facing west... the tall brown stalks are all that is left of the beefsteak tomatoes we grew last season.
This year we will be trying some different heat-loving plants.

Here is the view from the west screen door, facing east toward the farm. The pile of dried brown stalks in the left corner are the remnants of our chamomile drying efforts. Much seed was saved and we will be planting chamomile in the herb garden this year.

Here's what it looked like after the housekeeping. I cleaned out the old plants and then amended the soil with just a touch of chicken manure from the farm. Then I mulched it with straw and watered it in really well (using a watering can and rain barrel - the water supply is turned off until freezing danger has passed).

While I was working the soil I felt pretty good about its condition. Last year it was a hard-packed, anaerobic smelly mess. You might remember that I literally excavated the entire greenhouse down to about two feet then broke up the packed clods and added some Black Gold topsoil and compost then replaced the soil. This year the soil was nice and crumbly with a good population of earthworms. It is a lot better shape than last year. That is kind of gratifying.

So here's what it looked like when I was done. When I build the seed tray tables last year I designed them with removeable sections so when we are done with our seed starts we can grow heat-loving plants in the ground. Last year we did tomatoes on the south side and peppers on the north side (with some lemon cucumbers mixed in). This year we need to switch out to something else. I think we should try our hand at melons. Except for the plastic, we built this greenhouse entirely from reclaimed lumber. The frame is from construction site cast-offs and the seed tray tables were a bed frame and headboard in an earlier life.

Open Letter to Potential Gardeners:

Hello all potential Community Gardeners!
I just wanted to keep everyone in the loop about what is going on.
First things first, the new garden contract and application is FINISHED and approved by Student Activities, which means we have been able to create a schedule.
The formal start of the new gardening season in spring equinox which, this year, is March 20th. Generally it is still too wet and cold to do much in the ground but we can get our seed starts going in the greenhouse and do other preparations.

So here is the schedule:
Feb. 22nd - Finalize Application and contract - DONE!
Feb. 29th - Applications and Contracts available for interested gardeners
March 14th - Applications deadline for first round of plot assignments.
March 20 - Plot notification

I am making copies of the applications and contracts. They can be picked up in person at the garden starting Wednesday, February 29th. I will be in the garden that Wednesday between 12 and 3pm. On Saturday, March 3rd and March 10th I have reserved the farmhouse from 12-2pm so apps and contracts can be picked up (and turned in) on those days.
I am also on campus Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons so we can schedule a time at our garden cubicle on the third floor of the CAB building. The due date for applications is March 14th. Applications will be reviewed by Student Activities staff and myself. If there are more applications than there are available plots, assignment will be based on a lottery-style drawing. Anyone not drawn will be placed on a waiting list in case a plot becomes available.
I will let you know, via email, on March 20th whether or not you got a plot. Once we get the plots assigned, together we can schedule a potluck meeting to get together and meet each other and get rolling!!  Whooo-hoooo!!
-Matthew, Community Gardens Coordinator
"The Loop" :